1. Duli 杜梨

Origin and Distribution

Duli(2n=34), is produced from China Liaoning, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Hubei, Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi Province. Born in the plains or mountain slopes in the sun, 50-1800 meters above sea level. Dew pear is drought-resistant, cold-resistant, usually used as rootstock of various cultivated pears, early fruiting period, long life.

Main Characters

The plant is 10 meters tall, with thorny branches, and biennial branches are purple brown. The leaves are rhombic ovate to oblong ovate, and the upper and lower surfaces of the young leaves are densely covered with gray white hairs; Petiole covered with gray white tomentose; Stipules fall early. Umbrella shaped raceme, with 10-15 flowers, pedicel covered with gray white hairs, bracts membranous, linear, white petals, purple stamens and anthers, style hairy. The fruit is nearly spherical, brown, with light spots. It blooms in April and fruit from August to September.

2. Douli 豆梨

Origin and Distribution

Duli (2n=34), is native to China and is also found in Vietnam. The natural distribution is mostly in southern China, mainly in the Huaihe River, Yangtze River basin and southern China, growing in mountain slopes, plains or valleys in mixed forests. Dou pear is light-loving, not cold-tolerant, drought-resistant, infertile, and does not require strict soil requirements, and can grow in alkaline soil.

Main Characters

Branchlets stout, cylindrical, branches gray-brown; leaf blade broadly ovate to ovate, margin obtusely serrate; umbellate racemes, involucral pedicels and pedicels are glabrous; bracts membranous, inner surface tomentose; petals ovate, base shortly clawed; pear fruit spherical, spotted; flowering April; fruiting August-September; its variant is characterized by entire leaf margin, without serrations, leaf blade often ovate, base obtusely rounded . The fruit is smaller than a bean, so it is named Douli