
        The Centre of Pear Engineering Technology Research was founded in 2006, which is affiliated to the State Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement of Nanjing Agricultural University. Professor Shaoling Zhang, the chief scientist of the China Agriculture Research System (Pear) from 2008, is the director of the center. In 2015, the center was approved as National Pear Improvement Center Nanjing Subcenter. In 2019, the center was approved as Jiangsu Pear Engineering Technology Research Center. The main research directions of this center include: (1) Evaluation and Innovation of Pear Resource, (2) Genomics and Bioinformatics of Pear, (3) Reproduction Physiology and Cell Biology, (4) Fruit Quality and Regulation Mechanisms.

        The center has been well collaborated with Mie University in Japan, Tohoku University in Japan, Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Canada, University of Birmingham in UK, University of Illinois in USA, University of California, University of Georgia in USA, and carried out extensive and substantial research. The results from our studies have published on several high-impact journals such as Genome Research, Genome Biology, Plant Cell etc.



  • Dongqing Shi#, Jun Wu#, Haibao Tang#, Hao Yin# , Hongtao Wang , Ran Wang , Runze Wang, Ming Qian, Juyou Wu, Kaijie Qi, Zhihua Xie, Zhiwen Wang, Xiang Zhao, Shaoling Zhang*, Single-pollen-cell sequencing for gamete-based phased diploid genome assembly in plants, Genome Research, 2019, 29(11): 1889-1899.

  • Xin Qiao, Qionghou Li, Hao Yin, Kaijie Qi, Leiting Li, Runze Wang, Shaoling Zhang*, and Andrew H. Paterson*. Gene duplication and evolution in recurring polyploidization–diploidization cycles in plants. Genome Biology,2019, 20:38

  • Jun Wu#, Yingtao Wang#, Jiabao Xu#, Schuyler S#. Korban#, Zhangjun Fei#, Shutian Tao#, ……, Shaoling Zhang*. Diversification and independent domestication of Asian and European pears. Genome Biology, 2018, 19(1):77

  • Wu J (Wu, Jun); ……; Zhang SL (Zhang, Shaoling)*. The genome of the pear (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.). Genome Research, 2013, Vol 23,Num 2: 396-408

  • Chen, J., Wang, P., de Graaf, B.H.J., Zhang, H., Jiao, H., Tang, C., Zhang, S, and Wu, J*. (2018). Phosphatidic Acid Counteracts S-RNase Signaling in Pollen by Stabilizing the Actin Cytoskeleton. Plant Cell 30, 1023-1039.

  • Ju-You Wu, Hai-Yong Qu, Zhong-Lin Shang, Shu-Tian Tao, Guo-Hua Xu, Jun Wu, Hua-QingWu and Shao-Ling Zhang*. Reciprocal regulation of Ca2+-activated outward K+channels of Pyrus pyrifolia pollen by heme and carbon monoxide. New Phytologist,2011,189(4):1060–1068

  • Haiyong Qu, Shaoling Zhang*. Identification of hyperpolarization-activated calcium channels in apical pollen tubes of Pyrus pyrifolia, New Phytologist, 2007,174(3): 524-536

  • Wu JY, Qin XY, Tao ST, Jiang XT, Liang YK, Zhang SL. 2014. Long-chain base phosphates modulate pollen tube growth via channel-mediated influx of calcium. Plant Journal.2014,doi: 10.1111/tpj.12576; pmid: 24905418

  • Juyou Wu, Zhonglin Shang, Jun Wu , Xueting Jiang , Panagiotis N. Moschou , Wending Sun, Kalliopi A. Roubelakis-Angelakis , Shaoling Zhang*. Spermidine Oxidase-derived H2O2Regulates Pollen Plasma Membrane Hyperpolarization-activated Ca2+-permeable Channels and Pollen Tube Growth. Plant J, 2010,63: 1042-1053

  • Wang CL, Xu GH, Jiang XT, Chen G, Wu J, Wu HQ, Zhang SL*. S-RNase triggers mitochondrial alteration and DNA degradation in the incompatible pollen tube of Pyrus pyrifolia in vitro. The Plant Journal,2009,57,220-229

  • C.-L. Wang, J. Wu, G.-H. Xu, Y.-B. Gao, G. Chen, J.-Y. Wu, H.-Q. Wu, S.-L. Zhang*. S-RNase disrupts tip-localized reactive oxygen species and induces nuclear DNA degradation in incompatible pollen tubes of Pyrus pyrifolia. J Cell Sci, 2010,123: 4301-4309