1.Chili 茌梨

Origin and Distribution

Chili(2n=34), also known as Cili, was originated in Chiping, Muping, or Laiyang of Shandong Province, is grown mainly in Laiyang and Qixia, also grown in Hebei, Jiangsu, western part of Liaoning, Shaanxi, and southern Xingjiang, etc.

Main Characters

Tree: vigorous, productive, medium or late precocity. Leaf: 12.3cm × 7.1cm in size, broadly ovate. Initial leaf: dark red. Flower: white bud tinged with pink on edge, 4 to 5 flowerers per cluster in average of 4.3; stamen number: 19 to 21, averaging 20.0; corolla diameter: 3.8cm. Fruit: matures in late September or early October in Xingcheng, Liaoning Province, ovate or spindle-shaped, irregular, usually bend to one side at the stem base, 233 g per fruit, 8.5 cm long, 7.4 cm wide, yellowish-green skin with dots large and obvious, medium core, 5 locules, flesh pale yellowish-white, fine. crisp tender, juicy, very sweet, with less and very small grit cells; TSS 14.15%; TA 0.19%; quality good.

2. Dangshan Suli 砀山酥梨

Origin and Distribution

Dangshan Suli (2n=34), also known as Suli, Dangshanli, originated in Dangshan County, Anhui Province, is one of the best old pear varieties in China which is widely grown in Liaoning, Shanxi, Shandong, Shaanxi, Henan, Sichuan, Yunnan, and Xinjiang, etc.

Main Characters

Tree: vigorous, productive, medium precocity. Leaf: 10.3cm × 8.9cm in size, ovate. Initial leaf: red with less green. Flower: white bud, 5 to7 flowers per cluster in average of 6.2; stamen number: 19 to 25, averaging 20.7; corolla diameter: 4.2cm. Fruit: matures in late September in Xingcheng, Liaoning Province, cylinder-shaped, calyx basin wide, 239g per fruit, 7.6cm long, 7.7cm wide, greenish-yellow skin, turning to yellow after storage, small core, 5 locules, flesh white, relatively fine or mid-coarse, with more large stone cells around core, tender, juicy, sweet; TSS 12.45%, TA 0.10%; quality good; storage life long.

3. Pingguoli 苹果梨

Origin and Distribution

Pingguoli (2n=34), origin unclear, is grown mainly in Longjing, Helong, and Yanji etc. It is also grown commercially in Liaoning, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang, etc.

Main Characters

Tree: moderately vigorous, productive; medium precocity. Leaf: 12.0cm×6.4cm in size, ovate. Initial leaf: green with less red, pubescent. Flower: white bud tinged with pink on edge, 8 to 12 flowers per cluster in average of 9.2; stamen number: 20 to 27, averaging 21.5; corolla diameter: 4.1cm. Fruit: matures in late September or early October in Xingcheng, Liaoning Province, 212g per fruit, 6.4cm long, 7.7cm wide, oblate, irregular, shape like apple, greenish-yellow skin covered with red blush on the side exposed to the sun, extremely small core, 5 locules, flesh white, fine, crisp, juicy, sour-sweet; TSS 12.77%, TA 0.26%; quality good; storage life long.

4. Xuehuali 雪花梨

Origin and Distribution

Xuehuali (2n=34), was originated in Hebei Province. Fruits produced in Zhaoxian are the most well-known. It is also grown in Dai County, Xin County, Taiyuan, and Yuci of Shanxi Province, as well as counties in Weibei of Shaanxi Province.

Main Characters

Tree: moderately vigorous, productive, relatively early precocity. Leaf: 11.4cm×7.7cm in size, ovate. Initial leaf: red with less green. Flower: white bud tinged with light pink on edge, 5 to flowers per cluster in average of 6.0; stamen number: 19 to 24, averaging 21.3; corolla diameter: 4.3cm. Fruit: matures in late September in Xingcheng, Liaoning Province, 391g per fruit, 9.4cm long, 8.8cm wide, long ovate or oblong, greenish-yellow skin, turning to yellow after storage, small or medium core, 5 locules, flesh white, fine, crisp tender, juicy, light sweet; TSS11.60%, TA 0.11%; above medium or good in quality; storage life relatively long.

5. Yali 鸭梨

Origin and Distribution

Yali (2n=34), originated in Hebei Province, is widely grown in Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Henan, also cultivated in Liaoning, Gansu, and Xinjiang, etc.

Main Characters

Tree: moderately vigorous or weak; sparse and zigzag branch, productive, early or medium precocity. Leaf: 13.4cm×8.1cm in size, ovate. Initial leaf: red with less green, pubescent. Flower: white bud, small one with light pink on edge, 6 to 9 flowers per cluster in average of 7.9; stamen number: 20 to 24, averaging 21.1; corolla diameter: 4.2cm. Fruit: matures in late September in Xingcheng, Liaoning Province, 159g per fruit, 7.1cm long, 6.5cm wide, obovate, lipped and russet on stalk side, greenish-yellow skin when harvested, turning to yellow after storage, small core, 5 locules, flesh white, fine, crisp tender, extremely juicy, light sweet; TSS 11.98%, TA0.18%; quality good; core easily browning during storage.