1. Huagai 花盖

Origin and Distribution

Huagai(2n=34), originated in Liaoning Province, is grown mainly in western Liaoning, also in Yanbian of Jilin Province, and Yanshan mountains in Hebei Province.

Main Characters

Tree: moderately vigorous, productive, medium or late precocity. Leaf: 8.8cm×6.8cm in size, ovate. Initial leaf: green tinged with red. Flower: white bud tinged with pink on edge, 6 to 8 flowers per cluster in average of 6.7; stamen number: 19 to 21, averaging 19.6; corolla diameter: 4.1cm. Fruit: matures in late September or early October, 77.5g per fruit, 4.5cm long, 5.4cm wide, oblate, greenish-yellow or yellow skin covered with russet on stalk end, medium core, 4 or 5 locules, flesh pale yellowish-white, mid-coarse, dense and tough when harvested, turning to soft after storage, juicy, sweet-sour, aromatic; TSS 15.40%, TA 0.69%; quality above medium, storage life long.

2. Jingbaili 京白梨

Origin and Distribution

Jingbaili (2n=34), originated in Beijing, is grown mainly in suburbs of Beijing, southern parts of northest China, also in Shanxi and northwest China.

Main Characters

Tree: moderately vigorous, productive, late precocity. Leaf: 8.7cm×6.8cm in size, ovate. Initial leaf: greenish-yellow. Flower: white bud,6 to 9 flowers per cluster in average of 7.6; stamen number: 19 to 21, averaging 19.9; corolla diameter: 3.7cm. Fruit: matures in early or mid September, 121g per fruit, 5.2cm long, 6.3cm wide, oblate, yellowish-green or whitish-yellow skin, medium core, 5 or 6 locules, flesh yellowish-white, crisp when harvested, turning to soft after10 to 14 days of storage, mid-coarse or fine, juicy, sweet, a little aromatic. TSS 14.83%, TA 0.82%; quality good; storage life short.