1. Chinese Sand Pear Varieties 中国砂梨品种

(1) Cangxi Xueli 苍溪雪梨

Origin and Distribution

Cangxi Xueli (2n=34), also known as Shijiali or Cangxili, one of famous Sand Pear cultivars, was originated in Cangxi County, Sichuan Province.

Main Characters

Tree: moderately vigorous, productive, medium precocity. Leaf: 11.2cm×6.9cm in size, narrowly ovate. Initial leaf: green tinged with light red. Flower: white bud, small one tinged with light pink on edge, 6 to 7 flowers per cluster in average of 6.8; stamen number: 19 to 20, averaging 19.9; corolla diameter: 4.5cm. Fruit: matures in late September in Xingcheng, Liaoning Province, 321g per fruit, 9.3cm long, 8.1cm wide, long obovate or pyriform, brown skin, small core, 5 locules, flesh pale greenish-white, mid-coarse, tender, juicy, sweet or light sweet; TSS 11.43%, TA 0.11%; good or above medium in quality.